Tuesday, June 2, 2009

MLB Red Hat Disaster

I'm sure that there were many of you out there who were irritated by the red hats that were worn by all MLB teams on Memorial Day. The red hats were worn to "honor" America on Memorial Day, but all they did was make a mockery of the teams and the players wearing them. If I was MLB I would seriously consider abandoning the red hat promotion which is also scheduled for July 4th and September 11th. The person who was responsible for the idea should also be fired immediately.

The idea to dress every team in a red hat irregardless of the teams' color schemes is mindless. You don't need any fashion sense to realize that. Seeing teams like the Mets, Yankees, Orioles, etc. with clashing red hats was uncomfortable to watch. The players looked like absolute buffoons. If MLB wanted to honor veterans and fallen soldiers on Memorial Day, they should have had the teams wear understated patches or ribbons. The red hats are similar to the pink bats and arm bands worn by many players on Mother's Day to honor mothers and bring awareness to breast cancer. Just because it's for a good cause, it doesn't give MLB carte blanche to pull whatever dumb stunt they please. Many fans including myself were not able to enjoy the games as much on Memorial Day or Mother's Day because of the terrible asthetics and the fans should be respected more than this and not be subjected to disasters like this.

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